Tuned is the first benefit designed to bring hearing health to everyone

APD Awareness

Try the experience and gain insight into how it affects daily life.

Important: This video is for general informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a licensed healthcare provider if you have hearing-related symptoms. Any claims made are based on scientific evidence but are not guaranteed. Results may vary. Always seek medical advice before taking any action.

If You’re Not Protecting Your Hearing, You’re Losing It 

The modern world is creating a rise in hearing issues impacting all generations, not just our aging loved ones. With the increased use of technology and headphones, it’s no wonder the amassed ‘headphone generation’ is at an increased risk for hearing loss or complications.

Hearing is communication.

The lack of proactive annual hearing support and education is taking a life-long toll on the hearing health of adults and our youth.

Americans have hearing issues
are of working age

Today health plans don’t offer annual preventative support, and they ignore a litany of other hearing issues like tinnitus, APD or mild to moderate hearing loss. Experience these hearing issues here, first hand.

most common chronic physical condition
is Hearing Loss and is 2x as prevalent as diabetes or cancer
1 in 4
working age adults
have tinnitus (ringing in the ears), a condition associated with hearing loss
1.5 Billion
or 50% of those ages 12-35 are at risk of permanent, avoidable hearing loss
of Americans own headphones

Hearing loss is preventable, progressive & permanent.

Hearing loss is connected to costly health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, cancer treatments, cognitive decline and dementia.

How does Tuned work?

​​     ​Hear it Through their Ears

Tinnitus Moment

1 in 4 working adults suffer from tinnitus. Experience what it's like to hear ringing in your ears all the time.

Hearing Loss Hurdle

An estimated 50 million Americans have some form of hearing loss. Learn how hearing loss can impact daily communication.

APD Awareness

With auditory processing disorder the brain is unable to process or understand sounds as words. Find out what it's like to struggle with sound processing.

The Value of Offering Tuned

Bridges a gap in the medical benefit related to hearing health & education
Addresses a chronic condition that is prevalent, often preventable, and a comorbidity for many other conditions.
Safeguard hearing with annual prevention - just like an annual physical, vision, or dental exam.
Improve comprehension, performance, and workplace safety
Employer of Choice: attract and retain the headphone generation(s)
Reinforces DE&I initiatives

Products included in the Tuned Hearing Health Benefit

No out-of-pocket costs, no co-pays, all included .

Want to learn more about Tuned?

Please complete the form below and we'll be in touch soon with more information.

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Tinnitus Moment
⚠️  Important Notice!

This video contains a high-pitched sound that may trigger or aggravate tinnitus for some viewers. We recommend using caution when listening and adjusting the volume to a comfortable level. If you experience discomfort, please discontinue use and seek medical advice.

Try the experience and gain insight into how it affects daily life.

Hearing Loss Hurdle

Try the experience and gain insight into how it affects daily life.

Important: This video is for general informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a licensed healthcare provider if you have hearing-related symptoms. Any claims made are based on scientific evidence but are not guaranteed. Results may vary. Always seek medical advice before taking any action.

APD Awareness

Try the experience and gain insight into how it affects daily life.

Important: This video is for general informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Consult a licensed healthcare provider if you have hearing-related symptoms. Any claims made are based on scientific evidence but are not guaranteed. Results may vary. Always seek medical advice before taking any action.

Stay Tuned In

If boosting productivity, enhancing workplace wellness, benefits and creating happier employees are on your agenda, you’ll want to hear this!

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Plans help open hearing health access.

If you are a commercial markets or plan administrator interested in learning more about Tuned, tell us a bit about yourself using the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon.
If you’re a current Tuned member, please sign in to your account .
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Click here to enter your company email address as the first step to locating your account.

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We're excited to show you how Tuned hearing benefits can transform your company. Someone from our team will be in touch shortly.
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Downloadable Resources
Unlock Major Cost Reductions with Hearing Loss Prevention
Products included in the Hearing Health Benefit
Tuned vs. Traditional Hearing Aid Programs
Apple Hearing Study Insights on Tinnitus
The Hidden Costs of Slip and Falls
Tuned Member Use Case Examples
Prerecorded Webinars | Password: tuned
Implementation Timeline
Tuned is the only comprehensive, virtual hearing benefit available for employees and their families. Our convenient and cost-effective approach to hearing health leads to a healthier, safer and more productive workforce.
Tuned Member Experience Recorded Demo
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WHO’s World Report on Hearing
CDC – Public Health Article
NBC Interview: Headphones Are a Hazard for Kids
1 in 4 under the Age of 35 Have Early Signs of Hearing Loss
Information on State Mandates for Hearing Benefits
The Benefits of Hearing Conservation Programs
Tuned Benefit Member Insights
The Headphone Generation
The Bigger Picture