Hearing Wellness for Vita, amplified by Tuned.

Tuned is proud to be working with Vita to bring you the future of hearing health as part of your benefits, so you can continue to deliver the best benefits strategies to your clients for the long term.

3 online consults per year with an audiologist


$1000 towards OTC products*, $5000 towards hearing aids*
*every three years


No co-pays or out-of-pocket costs for you: everything is included


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Experience the future of hearing health for yourself today

Sign In using your Vita email address
Choose an audiologist.
Schedule your online consultation.
Complete the Full Hearing Screening online before the consultation.
​​     ​Hear it Through their Ears

Tinnitus Moment

1 in 4 working adults suffer from tinnitus. Experience what it's like to hear ringing in your ears all the time.

Hearing Loss Hurdle

An estimated 50 million Americans have some form of hearing loss. Learn how hearing loss can impact daily communication.

APD Awareness

With auditory processing disorder the brain is unable to process or understand sounds as words. Find out what it's like to struggle with sound processing.